Category Archives: Shirtings
Sampler in Cheddar and Black

Hello again everyone! Spring has sprung (sort of….depending on the day you check the weather!) and we have new quilt kits and fabric for you! I have just gotten in my new line of Sampler fabric– Sampler in Cheddar and Black. I have been a fan of cheddar for a long time, so when it […]
- April 5, 2016
- / Category Fabric, JJ Stitches, Quilt, Shirtings
- / Posted By Julie
- / No Comments.
You Can Never Have Enough Shirtings

Hello again! Everyone loves it when they find a new, fun, focus fabric for their quilt. A bold strip or a big floral plays a large role in the way a quilt looks. The blender fabrics, however, give the contrast that let those big patterns shine and provide the eye with a place to rest. […]
- February 15, 2013
- / Category Shirtings
- / Posted By Julie
- / No Comments.