Spools in the Flower Patch

SpoolsHello from snowy Wisconsin!

Brrrr!  Well, it’s official.  I am done with winter and am ready for spring!  I’m ready for the snow to melt and to enjoy those first blooms of springtime flowers.  I don’t think Mother Nature is listening to me, though, so I guess if I want flowers, I’ll have to take it upon myself and make some! 

If you’re ready to “think spring”, you’ll love this new quilt Spools in the Flower Patch. This  22″ x 32″ piece is just right for springtime.  The fabric that makes the “thread” around the spools are some really beautiful reproduction fabrics and the flowers and stems are made of hand-dyed wool.  You can use our wool thread to complete the applique.  What a fun project that you can have completed before the crocuses peek out of the snow!

Stay tuned for more new kits and patterns.  We’re busy sewing away, and wel’ll have more to share with you in the coming weeks.  


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