Slim– A perfect post-feast project

SlimHello again everyone,

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted…I’ve been quite busy bringing in new patterns and projects into the store.  Whew!  I’m so glad that I have a lot of new things to share with you!

We are coming up on Thanksgiving and I think that this adorable Slim snowman is the ideal post-Thanksgiving feast project to work on with your family and friends.  In our family, we’ve started doing some sort of project after the Thanksgiving dinner is over (or the next day, if we’re still digesting!), and I think this may be the one to tackle with my sister and daughter-in-law this year.  Slim measures just 7″ x 37″ inches, is really easy to piece, and I think we could make one for each of us to have.  If you are looking for a great homemade gift idea for Christmas this year, Slim may be just the snowman for you!

Until next time,


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